Digital distribution is the process whereby content been it audio, video, games, pictures, e-books, softwares, PDFs are delivered (through uploading) to any digital content platform. it is handled through a digital distribution platform that is designed to stream or download in full the digital content.
With digital distribution, you can get your content across all over the world from the comfort of your room and by that reducing the stress of moving from one physical store to the other.
Initially, distributors have to enter an agreements with record labels to sell to stores. However, digital distribution changed all that by cutting out the middleman, allowing artists to distribute music directly to online stores while having control over their songs and keeping 100% of their royalties.
The transition into the online space has boosted sales, downloads and profit for most artists. It has also allowed for potentially lower expenses such as lower coordination costs, lower distribution costs, as well as the possibility for redistributed total profits. These lower costs have also aided new artists in breaking onto the scene and gaining recognition. In the past, some emerging artists have struggled to find a way to market themselves and compete in the various distribution channels.
Digital distribution give artists more control over their music in terms of creative, rights, ownership process, pricing, and more.
In addition to providing global users with easier access to content, online stores allow users to choose the songs they wish instead of having to purchase an entire album from which there may only be one or two titles that the buyer enjoys.