Monday, 1 July 2019

Stupid Men Chase Women With Shapes Without Brains - Counsellor Dr. Mrs Charlotte Oduro

Men are attracted to the opposite sex and eventually get into relationship with them depending on the characteristics they see and what motivates them. Whereas some men are overly obsessed with shapes and sizes in their quest to settle down in marriages, others have varying qualities they look for in their partners they prepare to walk down the aisle with.
Controversial marriage counsellor, Dr. Mrs Charlotte Oduro believes that choosing a woman based on her looks and shape alone is the work of stupid men because it goes beyond meeting the satisfaction of the eye. “Everyone is looking for shape…big buttocks, big breasts and big everything. It is good for a woman to possess an attractive shape, breast and buttocks but any woman who has no sense has no future. She is doomed and will be a failure for the husband”, she observed. In her estimation, men should go for women who have sense not the ones with attractive shapes but empty upstairs.
“Don’t go for women with shapes but those who with intelligence, have the fear of God in them and submissive”, she advised. Source:

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